Set up or buy a new company

in Slovak Republic

EU VAT registered

companies available

available immediately

24/7 and online

your own company

in 1 - 14 days

no need to travel

to slovakia

documents to sign

in 1 business day

no notary required

if e-signed documents

Minimum registered capital

All the companies need to have at least 5000 EUR as a basic capital. But no worries, you don´t have to prove when company formation, that company already owns it, nor you as a shareholder. Simple statement will be enough to fulfill this condition.

European union
citizenship required?

Well, the law says that only citizens of EU can be registered directors of the company (or those with OECD-states residence), or temporary residence of the director in Slovakia is required. Owners / shareholders can be from anywhere in the world. Feel free to contact us for more information.

buy Immediately or set up new

You can own your company immediately or set up new one in 14 days if company is formatted from scratch. If you buy a ready-made company, you can act as a director in the same day the documents are signed, in next 5 days changes will be stated also in official Business Register of Slovak republic.

Did you know,

that You can have your new company in slovakia within 24 hrs online?
No need to travel.


corporate income tax

Applicable for all companies with revenues up to 60 000 EUR. Till this annual revenues, your company pays 15% of your profit as a tax, after reaching this limit, your company pays a tax of 21%.

European union

Slovakia is a member of European Union since 2004. Slovakia is a member of Schengen Zone since 2007. Slovakia is a member of Euro Area since 2009.

10 -20 %

Value added tax

Selected commodities apply 10% VAT, most goods and services apply 20% VAT. Reverse charge, Mini One Stop Shop and other EU related legal advantages applicable. However, VAT registration is not an automatic process that guarantees a success. Tax office can refuse to register company for VAT. We recommend to buy a company, that is already registered for VAT.

What you should know

Basic information about doing business in Slovakia

Choose your own business name for your company. It has to be unique, no vulgarisms or hate content is allowed.

If you do not have a seat for company registration in Slovak republic, we offer you up to 12 different adresses in central Slovakia. If you receive anything per post, we will automatically scan and send you your post per email.

Owner of the company can be from anywhere in the world. You become an owner when the Business Registrar states you as an owner in a company´s business registrar extract.

Every company has to have a director, that can be the same as the owner of the company, but has to be from member countries of EU or OECD (at least temporary stay is required). You become a director in a moment of signing the documents (no Business Registrar aprooval is required).

Every company has to have officially stated trades, that allow the company to serve its services/goods. No other services can be provided than those which are stated in official Business Registrar.

Although it sounds quite confusing, no worries, these trades can be expanded or shortened anytime for a small fee.

Every company has to have a basic capital of at least 5000€. You do not have to proove it with some bank statement, an affidavit is enough when the company is in a process of formation.

Hidden ownership or renting a director on a paper, that will be officially stated in a slovak Business Registrar, is not allowed, is punished on a side of service offerer, service user and service provider too. If you see any classified like this, be aware, its illegal in Slovakia, might be a trap.

Every company has to be registered for ID and Tax ID.

All our ready-made companies are registered for ID & Tax ID.  Selected ready-made companies are registered for VAT. There are two types of VAT registrations in Slovakia: 

  • §4 registration – fully registered company that has to pay and is allowed to obtain VAT to/from the state,
  • §7a registration, what means that this kind of company is allowed to sell goods and services in other EU countries with 0% VAT, in Slovakia with no VAT, but buying goods and services from other EU member countries is charged by 10% or 20% VAT (based on type of goods), slovak purchases contain 20% slovak VAT that is not possible to get back from slovak Tax office.

company seat

Every compay has to have official registered seat. We offer you company seats on several addresses including services of collecting, scanning and forwarding of all the mail you receive per post.

You can select from several addresses in central Slovakia.


Every company in Slovakia needs to do aacounting anf fulfill its duties to Tax office. We offer you also accounting services based on your needs. Mandatory electronic communication with Tax office and sending your Tax declarations is included.

gov mailbox

Every slovak company has an official electronic mail box at site, where the government sends official decisions and documents and through which official communication with government offices is provided. To be able to use it, you need a special registration at Immigration office or you can authorize us to access the mailbox for you.


Magurská 37
974 11 Banská Bystrica

Our hours

8:00 AM – 6.00 PM
Monday – Sunday

Contact us

Phone: +421 903 383 879