Form your new slovak company here.

Creating your new slovak company from scratch in 14 days

Creating a new company

To form a new company in Slovak republic, form "s.r.o.", limited liability company, we only need details to be stated in following form.
Set up your new company
Please provide details necessary for your new company formation.
Please provide full name that you suggest for your new slovak company.
Email address for our communication
Street name, number, town, zip code
Please provide information about business trades, that you need. If you don´t know the exact names of slovak business trades, simply state what business do you plan, for example selling goods, providing services, etc. Be little more specific, please, because every slovak company is allowed to do the business only in field of its business trades.
Please provide information about owners - Full name, address (street, number, town, zip, state), date of birth, identification number (unique identificator like number of passport or birth number, etc.). If the owner will be a company, provide its details. If there will be more owners, provide each person´s details and % of company shares.
Every slovak "s.r.o" company must have the basic capital of 5 000 EUR. Up to 15 000 EUR you don´t have to declare that you have this capital, if more, extract from bank account will be required.
Please provide personal details of managing director - name, address, date of birth, identification number.
If any special requirements or questions, feel free to ask.

Or you wanna own a company immediately?

Choose from variety of existing companies based on your needs.


What are legal requirements to form a company in slovakia?

First of all, you need to be at least 18 years old and do not have criminal record in your criminal records extract. For all EU citizens there are no other special requirements.

can i form or buy a company anonymously?

No, it´s not possible in Slovak republic. It´s a criminal act based on our law. It states, that every person that “borrows” its identity for a purpose of hiding real company management or owners, and also real managers and owners, can be punished with jail. So beware of this practise.

I am not an EU CITIZEN, can i form a company?

You can own slovak company, but you can not be a managing director of the company unless you have the permanent stay, the address proved by immigration, in Slovakia. But if your country is a member state of OECD, you can also be a managing director of the slovak company.

I am not eu citizen, nor from OECD member state...

First you need to buy a company as an owner. After the ownership is confirmed in Business Register of Slovak republic, you can apply for permanent stay in Slovakia and after obtaining it, you can become also a managing director.

How long does it take to form a company?

Usually it takes up to 14 days till yur company is formed and published in slovak Business Register. 14 days after you send us signed documents and the extract from your criminal records officially translated to slovak language. If this should prolong you the process, we suggest to buy already existing company. For that kind of company, you can do business same day that the documents are verified, and the extract from criminal records is required only 30-35 days after.

Do i need to verify my signatures in slovakia?

When forming a new company, all the signatures of all person has to be verified by a notary in Slovak republic or at slovak embassies all around the world. So no need to travel to Slovakia to set up business here.

How to send you signed, verified, documents?

All we need to form your company are signed documents with verification of your signature, scanned to pdf. You can keep original documents.

can i use a bank account from non slovak bank?

You can open any account in any country. But think of transfer costs & speeds and open the bank account there, where SEPA payments are available. Also the bank statements (extracts from business accounts) for your accounting have to be in slovak language or at least translated.

what is the price of a new company formation?

The price is 299 EUR including all the court fees without official seat. If seat is required, your new company will cost you 599 EUR.

Do i have to use your official seat for my company?

No, it´s only upon you which address you will use. We only need a confirmation from your supplier of your company´s seat with verified signature, that he/she agrees with that.

Looking for something specific?
Please tell us more, maybe we can help you with different options.