Company 25-47 months old

699,00 1279,00 

This is a company that was established 25-47 months ago and is fully registered at Tax office for basic Tax ID (Tax identification number called DIC in Slovakia), and has its own Company ID (identification number called ICO in Slovakia).

SKU: N/A Category:


Price includes:

  • a company that was established 25-47 months ago in Slovakia of type Ltd / GmbH, in Slovakia “s.r.o.”,
  • registered for ICO and DIC, means for all state mandatory registrations,
  • price for legal documents of company shares transmission,
  • all the changes applied to your company (change of the business name, seat, business trades, owners and directors),
  • all the court fees applied at Business Register submission.


Optional fees (only applied if you select them):

  • company seat including collecting, scanning and forwarding incoming post. If you don´t need any seat from us, select “No seat needed” and you can order it somewhere else. If you do not have any seat, choose “Yes I need a seat”.
  • collecting your new company´s emails from official government mailbox at site
    • if you have the authorisation at Immigration, select “No”,
    • if you are not authorised at Immigration, you need to empower somebody to collect it, otherwise you lose your access and Government offices, Tax office and other Bureas will deliver you there documents that will be considered as delivered although you don´t know you have them, what can cause you future problems. To do that, select “Yes”
  • bank account – if option “Yes” is selected, we open a bank account for your company, but after the Business Register confirms the changes, you need to come to the bank personally and confirm your disponent rights, if you select “No”, no bank account will be opened for your company,
  • accounting services – we offer services from basic accounting packages (including Tax office communication and all the Tax declarations submissions) up to advanced accounting packages for companies (including Tax office communication and all the Tax declarations submissions) that have or plan VAT registration or that are employing employees, The price is set individually based on your plans.


If you haven´t found any service that you need for doing business in Slovakia, feel free to contact us to get relevant information.


Additional information

company seat

No seat needed, Yes I need a seat

gov mailbox

No, Yes